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Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is a dental treatment that totally removes a tooth from its base. People sometimes refer to this process as "pulling a tooth."

When feasible, healthcare professionals want to preserve natural teeth. But occasionally, additional restoration treatments such as tooth fillings and dental crowns are insufficient. If the tooth has been severely injured beyond the point of healing, extraction may be required. In the following cases, tooth extraction is absolutely necessary.


  • Acute tooth cavities
  • An impacted tooth
  • A broken tooth.
  • Crowded teeth
  • Severe gum disease
  • Tooth luxation


Procedure of Tooth Extraction


The dentist examines the afflicted tooth and the gums around it. In addition, he/she wants dental X-rays to assess bone density and damage extent. It is important to disclose any drugs, vitamins, or supplements to the dentist. Once all information has been received, the patients are informed of their treatment and sedative choices.

In general, dentists offer sedation for tooth extractions and other dental operations. It is a great choice for individuals who suffer from dental anxiety or just wish to feel more comfortable throughout their session.

First, local anaesthetic is used to numb the afflicted tooth and the gum tissue around it. The dentist uses specialist dental equipment to gently loosen and remove the tooth from its socket. Occasionally, they may need to create gum incisions to get access, particularly if the tooth has severe decay or has broken off at the gum line. After removal, the base is cleaned and sanitized. In rare instances, they may additionally put a dental bone transplant to prevent jawbone loss. Finally, sutures may be used to support in the healing process.

Once the extraction is complete, the dentist places bandage over the extraction area and instructs the patient to apply firm, consistent pressure. This support in reducing bleeding so that a clotting can form. The patient removes the gauze once the bleeding has reduced sufficiently. It is possible to have minor bleeding over the initial twenty-four hours.


Advantages of Tooth Extraction


Tooth extraction has several advantages. Specifically, it minimizes the amount of germs that might hurt the teeth and gums. Untreated decay to a tooth may wreak damage on a person's smile and may also lead to additional problems. Patients have the best opportunity for excellent dental health if the diseased tooth is removed. In addition, tooth extraction can alleviate dental discomfort almost immediately, particularly if the tooth was badly damaged.


Things to Consider After a Tooth Extraction


There are some instructions that patients must follow immediately after tooth extraction. These are essential for a healthy recovery.


  • Keeping the mouth safe for at least 24 hours following tooth extraction. This helps blood clot on the site, instead of a further bleeding.
  • Rinsing three times every day with a salt water mouthwash to maintain the region clean the day after operation.
  • Consuming soft foods after having a tooth extracted.
  • Biting down for at least 20 minutes on a patch of material, such as a clean towel, if the gums bleed.
  • Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes as long as feasible, but at least for the remainder of the day.
  • Brushing the teeth, but initially keeping the toothbrush away from the healing wound, gradually moving the toothbrush closer each day. It may help to soften the toothbrushes with hot water beforehand.


Recovery of Tooth Extraction


The recovery for a tooth extraction depends on the case's intricacy. Nonetheless, the majority of people go back to their routine within a few days. Although it is feasible to resume normal activities within 36 to 72 hours, the jawbone often requires several weeks to recover fully. Therefore, if the tooth is to be replaced with a dental implant, the patient likely require a few months for full recuperation.

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